Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Past ramblings....(1)

I am convinced that some of my older posts in my 'enthusiastically started but never pursued' older blogs are way better than what I pen down these days,I am posting some of them here ....

Why is understanding the intricacies of the self sometimes so difficult...
why can i lend a patient year to the whole world and solve their problems in a jiffy while mine are unfathomable....
why when i want to hear the inner voice echoing through my heart is it so difficult to drain the screams of everything moving through the corridorsof my little brain....
why when i know what i want from life and my brain thinks perfectly i want something thats not going to lead anywhere but will provide momentary bliss...
why is penning down thoughts being more confusing than thinking in itself...
why am i sure that what im convinced about this moment will turn hazy this same moment tomorrow....
why does impulse take over the calmness and thoughtfulnessof my actions ....
why do i cause so much hurt to those who love me while all my time goes in being polite and amicable to those who 'll probably not register that i exist after my meeting.....
why is it that sometimes relationships go so sour that i fail to recognise the very person who i shared the most of my life with.....
why is it a herculean task to somtimes accept life the way that it is ......
why ???

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