What happens if the bricks aren't stacked properly on top of each other, what happens if the foundation isn't built correctly, what happens if due to this attitude of getting things done, one day many years later, the building breaks , because of bad construction, bringing in its wake death of simpletons, a loss of money, lots of court cases against the builders, a loss of jobs ?
Who is to blame ? Is it that daily wage earner who for the sake of his job and dismal economical condition ten years back, didn't lay the bricks right, is it the incharge who to wrap up the project fast enough, was lenient and didn't look into the site with care, is it that man who didn't supply authentic material to save costs or maybe pocket some finances, is it the family that chose to choose this house, without thorough research on the quality of work of the builder, or is it those few people who's lives went into jeopardy because a few others didn't do their work right ?
This is just an example. So many times, I find people doing things just for the heck of doing it,because they have to give it in, they have to meet deadlines , they have to impress their heads, they have to prove to the world that they're doing a decent job, because even they know that nobody cares enough to give it a second thought or delve into in deeper, so well, lets take the easy way out of this crisis !
Its just a mindset that I've become immune to seeing now and I HATE it ! There's nothing more than I hate than that ! I really don't care if I accomplish a little lesser than my peers but I need to make sure I'm worth whatever I have accomplished so far !!
How does it matter if the incharge thought the bricks were laid neatly one day, if ten years down the line the building is going to collapse anyway ? Wouldn't it be way better, if the development was slow but of some standard ?
The irony of the situation is , I too have many a times been a part of this sad scenario . This thought came into my mind as for the past few days I've been copy pasting numerous write ups one after the other, so that I can meet the submission deadlines and its not just me , its those numerous engineering students in Indian colleges, that complain about this futile system of journals and files that continues to shroud over their education . I don't even remember what I've written on those numerous pages , in a tizzy with music blaring in my ears, yet I have done them for the sake of it ! The good part is it really doesn't matter in this situation, because no one EVER reads them. They just form a pile in a corner of the laboratory and someone in the next batch, picks one up to help him in his forthcoming submission !
What I don't like here, no one in the authority is even protesting that its a royal waste of time and neither is anyone making it more meaningful. Everyone's just doing their duty for the HECK of it !
How can we ever expect to achieve something if we just don't care enough for it ! I wish people made an effort to at least reason why they're doing something. I wish people made an effort to learn and not complete....